Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Jul 02

YOUTH HEALTH MELA – Experience the Celebration of Life

Globally 15 million people die prematurely from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), with over 85 per cent of these deaths occurring in low and middle income countries. NCDs kill 10 people every second in India.

Lifestyle-related illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, lung diseases, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes are the main NCDs accounting for a substantial percentage of the mortality rates in India. These NCDs share key modifiable behavioural risk factors like tobacco and alcohol use, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity, which in turn lead to overweight and obesity, raised blood pressure and cholesterol and ultimately disease.  At present, the youth have fallen prey to this misleading life, thus becoming prone to a number of NCDs.  Considering the significant disease burden and the immediate need for intervention, Cancer Institute (WIA) in association with Lions Club of Chennai Skyline and other like-minded organizations organized  ‘Youth Health Mela” which attracted over 10,000 students from various schools and colleges all over the city.

The event comprises of activities at different levels such as workshops, symposiums, setting up of stalls and event targeting the youth. Youth Health Mela being organized since 2012 helped the students to gain knowledge and awareness to a vulnerable population, thus reducing the morbidity and mortality resulting out of NCDs.

Lions Club of Chennai Skyline sponsored Certificates, Plaques, Medals, Gifts and Prizes to the participants.  Lion leaders and members participated in the event, Keynote address was given by PMJF Lion P.V. Prakash Kumar, Vice District Governor 1, Lions Clubs International District 324 A1, special address by PMJF Lion L.K.S. Syed Ahamed, Past District Governor, Lions Clubs International District 324 A1, special address by PMJF Lion Prasad Hari Parulekar, President, Lions Club of Chennai Skyline, Valedictory address by Shri Dheeraj Kumar I.A.S., Principal Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu, Department of Youth Welfare & Sports Development.  Dignitaries distributed Certificates, Medals and prizes to the winners of various activities of the event.

Total Project Cost Rs.50,000/-

The following members of Lions Club of Chennai Skyline participated in the event :

PMJF Lion L.K.S. Syed Ahamed, Past District Governor, PMJF Lion Prasad Hari Parulekar – President, Lion Mohammed Arif – Secretary, Lion M H Khaleelullaah – Treasurer, MJF Lion Ghouse Babu.

PMJF Lion P.V. Prakash Kumar, Vice District Governor 1,
Lions Clubs International, District 324 A1 giving his keynote address.
Special address by PMJF Lion L.K.S. Syed Ahamed, Past District Governor, Lions Clubs International, District 324 A1
Special address by PMJF Lion Prasad Hari Parulekar, President, Lions Club of Chennai Skyline
Valedictory address by Shri Dheeraj Kumar I.A.S., Principal Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu, Department of Youth Welfare & Sports Development.

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