Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Jan 11


Our Club organized two projects at our adopted Anganwadi and Corporation Primary School today.

The first project was at our adopted Anganwadi @ Brindavan Road, West Mambalam, we distributed stainless steel Lunch Boxes to the children. Chocolates, Hot milk and Epigamia Chocolate flavour milk shake tetra pack were also given to all the kids.

Our club also distributed sarees to the Anganwadi teachers and helpers.

The second project was at our adopted Corporation Primary School @ Giriappa Road, T-Nagar, we served Hot Milk to all the students, teachers and support staff.

It was simply superb to be there with the kids. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child. Being able to see the children’s smiles, full of joy warms the heart.

Our sincere gratitude to our angel donor Past District Governor, Lion LKS Syed Ahamed for donating the Lunch Boxes, Chocolates and Hot Milk. Our thanks to angel donor Lion Shaheen Kauser for sponsoring the Milk Shake.

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