Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Sep 14

SKYLINE MISSION 1000 : Blood Collection Drive

Blood donation can save several lives at a time. It is the most precious gift one can offer and is often termed the “gift of life.”

Lions Club of Chennai Skyline organized a blood donation drive along with the NSS Unit of Govt. Arts College for Men, Nandanam and Lions Blood Bank.

The camp started at 10.30 am and ended at 3.30 pm with a net collection of 105 units.

Out of 147 willing donors, only 105 donors were found to be eligible for blood donation after screening.

As a token of appreciation, a Certificate of Appreciation and a 500 gms of Bournvita health drink jar were given to each of the blood donors.

In this Lionistic year Club Skyline has far collected 306 units of blood. It feels so good to help mankind by doing such a noble thing. Blood donation is a small act of kindness that creates great and big wonders.

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