Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Aug 15


India celebrated its 73rd  Independence Day this year. Like in the rest of the country, Chennai Urdu Primary School, Dadashamakan, Puliyanthope students too expressed their patriotism and nationality by celebrating this day with gaiety.

The national tricolor flag was hoisted at 08:15 a.m. in the school premises by the Club President, PMJF Lion Prasad Hari Parulekar in presence of Lions of the club, Head Mistress, Teachers, Parents, and locals.  This was followed by the traditional National Anthem.

About 30 students participated and some came dressed in their traditional attire.

In keeping with the fervour, the children decorated their classes in tricolor and prepared a variety of performances on the theme. Little kids enjoyed the day by waving Tricolor National flag, recited short poems & sang patriotic songs with their teachers. There were poetry recitations, speeches on what independence meant to them.

Finally, the program ended with the distribution of snacks and gifts.

It will be a day to be remembered and cherished by the children for days to come.

The event started at 08:00 hrs and ended by 09:30 hrs. 

The following members of Lions Club of Chennai Skyline participated in the event :

Lion Prasad Hari Parulekar – President, Lion Mohammed Arif – Secretary, Lion M H Khaleelullaah – Treasurer, MJF Lion Muneer Khan, MJF Lion Mohammed Arshad, Lion Syed Fazlullaah.

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