Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Jun 30


Vichoor is a small village in Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu, India, nearly around 25 kms from Chennai Central Railway station is inhabited by about 10,000 people, belonging to the agricultural community and labour workforce.

Lions Club of Chennai Skyline realised this area’s dire need for health care. The Club started hosting a number of medical camps in the village.

But over the period, a paramount need for a permanent hospital that could provide quality treatment to the poor was recognised. The Village Panchayat came forward to lease land of about 4,000 square feet for the Project.

Lions Club of Chennai Skyline in association with Vichoor Panchayat inaugurated Lions Health Centre at Vichoor.

The health centre of about 2,000 sq. ft. is a significant milestone in providing free and accessible healthcare to the people of Vichoor and the surrounding regions. The centre will provide medical facilities and treatment to the needy in and around the villages on a sustained basis.

Chief Guest of the evening Lions Clubs International, District Governor 324M, PMJF Lion Mohammed Naveen inaugurated the Lions Health Centre.

Multiple Council Chairman and Immediate Past District Governor PMJF Lion S.V. Manickam, Mr. P.S. Amalraj, Chairman – Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puduchery were the distinguished Guests of Honour. Mr. Vichoor S. Sankar – Executive Officer / Panchayat President, Vichoor Grade 1 Panchayat, PMJF Lion LKS Syed Ahamed, Past District Governor, PMJF Lion Arif Nawaz – Project Chairman, PMJF Lion Prasad Hari Parulekar – Project Co-Chairman, Lion Mohammed Arif – President, MJF Lion Mushahid Hussain – Secretary, Lion Sami Azmath – Treasurer and other distinguished guests from the club and Lions District 324M were present.

On the special occasion, the Club distributed Sarees to 1,200 people and prepared dinner meals for about 1,000 people.

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