Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Jan 08


Lions Club of Chennai Skyline has always been a front-runner in providing a helping hand to various public initiatives and community service programs. Continuing the same Lions Club of Chennai Skyline in association with Masjid-e-Ahle Hadees Charminar, Apollo Hospitals and Sight Care Foundation organized a Free Health and Eye Screening Camp today at Masjid-e-Ahle Hadees Charminar Complex, Pattalam which is part of our club’s adopted area. A densely populated and truly deserving area for a Medical Camp, where the dwellers are largely less privileged.

As many as 98 citizens attended the Health Camp and consulted doctors with various specializations. Men, women and children of all age groups benefited from the health camp. General Physicians, Pediatricians and Ophthalmologists were part of the panel of doctors who attended to the patients. It was interesting to note while the camp was conducted in a residential area however around 90% of the visitors were men.

Free tests of BP, Blood Sugar Testing, ECG ( on doctor’s recommendation), Bone Mineral Density, and Eye Testing were offered and Cataract detection was also done.

Around 17 cataract surgery cases were directed to Appasamy Eye Hospital where the surgeries will be performed free of cost. Free spectacles were given to 58 patients at the venue, and a further 30 patients have been recommended prescription glasses (the glasses would be custom-made and would be distributed free of cost at a later date).

Our sincere gratitude to our angel donor Lion Zarina Rahim for sponsoring this service activity.

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