Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Chennai Skyline Lions  Club
Dec 10


For the past many years, Lions Club of Chennai Skyline has been making December 10th, Skyline Day, very special for the underprivileged by carrying out the gamut of service activities to improve the lives of local communities.

Today our club made it special for the 160-odd specially abled children (intellectually challenged children belonging to the underprivileged sections of society) in an attempt to spread joy and cheer in their lives.

The club organized Cartoon characters, music and magic programmes at Guild of Service – Bala Vihar, Kilpauk to entertain the specially-abled children. Our club also distributed to all children goodie bags comprising of Biscuits, Cakes, Chocolates, Fruit Drinks and condiments which the kids took on with such curiosity – eager eyes wanting to know what is inside the bag. It was really an awesome moment.

Seeing the kids having a gala time oblivious to the complexities of the world and holding bright smiles on their faces was a reminiscence of how much life offers to us and how we must embrace it with open arms and utilize every bit fruitfully.

Our Past District Governor, Lion LKS Syed Ahamed sponsored the service activity on his special day.

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